
Showing posts from March, 2021

RinggitPay: Malaysia’s Strong Payment Gateway Service and Tools

  With the growing advancement in technology, many businesses have shifted to operating as digital stores overbrick to motor. Be it grocery shopping, booking flights, ordering food, shopping for clothes or availing medical facilities, now everything can be done online. Initially, when online banking and digital currency transfers began, people found it difficult to understand and thought it was unsafe. Now that time has passed and there have been various developments in payment gateways, things have gotten pretty easy. There is a peak shift observed in consumer behaviour preferring online banking over traditional banking methods.It’s time that you get your business payment gateway Malaysia for secured and quick receiving and sending of money.  RinggitPay is a prominent payment gateway provider in Malaysia which offers various tools and services which would allow you to make secure transactions online. With value added services and solutions, RinggitPay is more than just a pay...

Benefits of Having Efficient Payment Gateway Malaysia for E-commerce Business

In the past few years, e-commerce businesses have gained rapid momentum in Malaysia. This has made it easier for customers to buy products and services from the comfort of their homes. The most important feature of any e-commerce business is the payment process. Every e-commerce business needs to have a secure payment gateway malaysia so that the customers can make a safe and quick transaction to buy products or services.  Now, if you have just started your e-commerce business and haven’t integrated a payment gateway to your platform, this article is for you: Integrate your e-commerce store with the best payment gateway Malaysia. Learn about the major benefits are of integrating an efficient payment gateway to your e-commerce platform. • Impulse Purchase : If you have an easy and quick transaction process, you can increase the impulse purchases of your customers by 40%. This will increase your sales and bring you more business. • Easy Checkout : Payment gateway will ensure that yo...